Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday November 15, 2008

As most of you know, there are several wildfires currently burning in Southern California. The one closest to me is the Yorba Linda or Freeway Complex fire. It is about 20 miles away and downwind. Here are some pictures I took today and tonight.

Let's all take a minute to pay respect to the men and women out there who do their best to protect us from this.


FiFi said...

They are some pretty good and shocking pictures. It's surprising what difference a day shot to a night shot is. I think you have captured it all pretty well. Kudos to you!

Unknown said...

I was watching news coverage at midnight last night. Firefighters are AMAZING!

Nice pics.

that girl said...

thinking of you...

i hope you stay safe.

Its Time to Live said...

Thanks to our firefighters, police and to the Military that make our lives better and safer.